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尖沙咀私人健身中心提供1對1 PT 私人體能訓練、泰拳、kickboxing和運動治療;同時提供小組瑜伽, 空中瑜伽及不同運動班,協助不同人士達成運動目標,無論想保持身體健康,增肌瘦身,改善身形或是減肥瘦身消脂均有專業教練跟進。不設月費及入會費,設有淋浴設備及各種健身器材, 環境闊落, 安全衛生。歡迎預約試堂

​A private gym in Tsim Sha Tsui, providing 1 on 1 personal training program, Muay Thai, kickboxing and sports therapy. We also provide yoga class, aerial yoga and different exercise classes to fit your need. No monthly charge nor membership charge. Shower facilities are available. Feel free to book a trial 

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